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Profile - Ben Squires CertPFS, DipFA, MLIBF, PETR, CeMAP, CeRER
Ben Squires




email - bensquires@apfs.co.uk

office - 01254 936959

Google Voice - 0161 504 9007 

Ben joined the company in April 2009. Prior to changing careers and becoming part of the Financial Services sector, he was a Team Leader in the Quality Control Department of an American Multi-National colour matching company based in Manchester.

On joining APFS, Ben quickly became professionally qualified as a Regulated Financial Adviser which authorised him to offer planning advice on pensions, investments and protection. In 2021 he passed his CeMap and Regulated Equity Release exams and is now additionally qualified to advise on mortgages and Equity Release.

Ben is married to Laura and has 3 children - two Daughters and a Son. Work and being committed to a young family leave precious little time for hobbies and pastimes but Ben is a keen practitioner of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and manages to make time for early morning, pre-work Jiu Jitsu sessions.

Ben is an Independent Financial Adviser and one of the two Designated Members of APFS Financial Solutions LLP.

Being the Son of the business owner is not always an easy position to be in but Ben, leading the other younger members of the team, represents the next generation of financial planners and will ensure the continued successful operation of the business well into the future.