
APFS Wealth Management

Website Terms and Conditions of Use


Legal Notice of Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website

The Website is operated by APFS Financial Solutions LLP (which uses trading names APFS Wealth Management, A P Financial Planning Services, APFS and Business Wills) a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England (company number OC360087) whose registered office is at 6 Cunningham Court, Shadsworth Business Park, Lions Drive, Blackburn, Lancashire BB1 2QX. APFS Financial Solutions LLP shall hereafter be referred to as APFS in this Terms and Conditions document. APFS owns or has licence rights to the Website content which is limited to anything in the apfs.co.uk domain.

The following terms and conditions (the “Terms”) set out the basis for use of the Website and by accessing the Website you agree to be bound by the Terms which should be read in full and may affect your use of the Website. The Terms may be updated from time to time. You are advised to check this page each time you access the Website.

Liability and Disclaimer

1. Whilst APFS has sought to ensure the information contained in the Website was accurate on the date of inclusion, no warranty is given regarding the content of the Website, any product or service offered through it, its completeness or accuracy. APFS does not warrant that this Website, or the server through which it is accessed, are free of defects, viruses or other harmful components. All information provided in the Website has been prepared for general information and illustration purposes only and does not establish, in any form, a business or professional relationship with APFS or any individual associated with APFS who may have authored any part of the Website content.

2. To the fullest extent permissible by law APFS disclaims all warranties, conditions or duties of every nature whatsoever, including without limitation, any implied warranties of satisfactory quality or of fitness for a particular purpose, any express or statutory warranties and any warranties or duties regarding accuracy, timeliness, completeness or performance in respect of the Website and your use of it. You agree that (to the fullest extent allowed by law) APFS will not be liable to you and/or any third party for any loss or damages (including, without limitation, damages for any indirect or consequential loss, loss of business opportunities or projects, or loss of profits) howsoever arising even if APFS has been advised of the possibility of such damages and even in the event of fault or tort (including negligence, strict liability or otherwise).

3. To the extent that the Website contains links to other third party services and websites APFS cannot provide any warranty (implied or otherwise) as to the accuracy or source of information contained in these sites, or the information you download. Links from the Website, over which APFS has no control, do not constitute any endorsement or approval of these third party organisations or the content of these sites.

Copyright Notice and Reproduction

4. The Website and all present and future copyright, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights relating to the Website are vested in APFS and its licensors. You acquire no rights in the Website other than the limited right to use the Website in accordance with the Terms. You agree to protect the proprietary rights of APFS and its licensors and agree to promptly notify APFS in writing (contact details below) upon becoming aware of any unauthorised access or any use of the Website that infringes upon any proprietary rights.

5. You are permitted to print out or download information and content from this Website only for your own personal non-commercial use or for the non-commercial use of your organisation. You may not offer for sale or sell or distribute over any medium any part of this Website or its content. You may not make any part of the Website available as part of another Website, whether by hyperlink framing on the Internet or otherwise unless you have been authorised to do so in writing by APFS. To apply for authorisation, you must either e-mail or write to APFS (contact details below) with the following details: (a) your name or the name of the technical contact responsible for the link(s); (b) the name of your company; (c) the email address and telephone number for you. You may not use the APFS name or misuse the APFS brand in any way, such use or misuse to be determined solely at the discretion of APFS. All moral rights, intellectual property rights and other equivalent rights derived from the contents of the Website are hereby asserted and reserved.

Confidentiality and Data Protection (please also click here to see our GDPR 'Privacy Notice')

6. Information that we acquire will be treated as confidential and will not be disclosed, other than in the normal course of performing services on behalf of our clients unless their consent has been obtained, the information is required to be disclosed by operation of law or regulation, it is already in the public domain or it has been received independently from a third party whom we reasonably believe is permitted to supply such information to us.

7. In the normal course of performing services for our clients, information may be shared with associated companies and may be used both for research and statistical purposes and crime prevention. It may be transferred to any country, including countries outside the European Economic Area, for any of these purposes and for systems administration. It may also be used to provide our clients with information about products and services that we believe could be of interest.

8. When our clients supply us with information containing personal data (names, addresses, or other information relating to living individuals), we will hold and use that data to perform services for those clients on the understanding that the individuals to whom the data relates have been informed of the reason(s) for obtaining the data and the fact that it may be disclosed to third parties such as our Network - The On-Line Partnership Limited.

9. APFS will treat any personal information received about you with the utmost respect and in accordance with the relevant data protection legislation, as amended from time to time.

10. Information provided by you, or which is obtained from other sources in the course of our dealings with you, may be used by APFS to facilitate the provision of the services applied for or requested.

11. We may disclose your personal information to other associated companies. We may use that information to advise you of our products and services or with your permission details from other companies, which may be of interest to you (a list of third party companies is available upon request).

12. Under the Data Protection regulations you are entitled to a copy of your personal data held by us upon written request (contact details below) and payment of a fee. If the details are incorrect then you can ask us to amend them. You may also remove your personal information from our database, so as not to receive further communications, by emailing or writing to APFS (contact details below).

13. Calls may be recorded.


14. Cookies may be used on our site for the purpose of compiling web statistics. They are not used to gather personal information about Website users. Any information stored in the cookie is solely for server administration purpose.

15. Cookies are programmes which track the movements of individual visitors to the Website and gather information. The web browser stores this information on disk in the form of a small data file. You may refuse the cookie, if you wish. To do so, you will need to adjust your browser settings.

Governing Law

16. The use of the Website by you and any dispute or claim relating thereto in respect of the Terms or otherwise shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English Law and you hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Court to determine all matters relating thereto.

Contact Details

17. The Designated Members

APFS Financial Solutions LLP
6 Cunningham Court
Shadsworth Business Park
Lions Drive

Tel: 01254 936959

Email: info@apfs.co.uk 


[apfs] "Financial advice is not just about making money.....

.....it's about planning to achieve a quality of life."


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